20 de nov. 2010

Population and Beijing

You know our feeling on China (and Beijing). Today (China Daily Website) we can find this news about population and Beijing. We'll come back to Beijing, sure!

Beijing faces aging population problemBy Beijing (Xinhua)
Updated: 2010-11-20 16:53 Comments(0) PrintMail Large Medium Small

BEIJING - Beijing will face the challenge of an aging population over the coming five years and the city has limited experience in dealing with the phenomenon, the Beijing Morning Post reported Saturday.

At the end of 2009, registered senior citizens in Beijing numbered 2.27 million, or 18.2 percent of the city's total population of permanent residents, the report said, citing the local government.

The city will have a moderately aged society when its aged population reaches 3.24 million in 2015, the report said.

Of the city's population of registered senior citizens, 1.94 million, or 85.6 percent, are below the age of 80 years, and 326,000, or 14.4 percent, are above the age of 80 years.

In the coming five years, approximately 470,000 senior citizens in Beijing will require nursing.

A survey conducted recently by the society and legal system committee of the municipal political consultative conference found that of 4,000-plus respondents, 24.5 percent intended to live in homes for the aged, a level much higher than the 4-percent level the municipal government expected.

Some 53.3 percent of respondents said they are willing to spend their twilight years at home. That figure was significantly lower than the 90 percent figure the local government had expected.

According to the survey, 99 percent of local citizens born after 1980 said they would not be able to look after their parents during their old age.

13 de nov. 2010

Africa again

Yesterday we could read this (at BBC News):


Aid agencies are planning to immunise three million people in central Africa after a polio outbreak, which has killed more than 100 people.

Hundreds more have been paralysed by the disease, authorities have said.

The disease broke out in Congo-Brazzaville, but has also affected parts of neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola.

The government said the vast majority of deaths had occurred in the city of Pointe-Noire in Congo-Brazzaville.

Congo-Brazzaville had previously recorded its last case of indigenous polio in 2000.

The vaccination plan is being conducted by several aid agencies, including Unicef and the World Health Organization (WHO).

'Not immunised'

"The first round of a mass vaccination campaign targeting three million people will begin Friday, in response to a polio epidemic which has unusually claimed a majority of adult victims," said a joint statement.

The majority of reported cases and deaths had occurred in males aged over 15.

Polio, which damages the nervous system, causing paralysis and death if untreated, normally strikes young children.

The immunisation plan will start in Pointe-Noire, the epicentre of the outbreak, and extend to surrounding areas.

"Every man, every woman, every child will be immunised irrespective of their past immunisation status," said Dr Luis G Sambo, WHO's regional director for Africa.

"This way we can be assured that everybody is reached, including young adults, whose immunity may be low."

Congo's director general of health, Alexis Elira Dokekias, said the victims had either not been sufficiently immunised or not immunised at all.

Reports say women and girls may have developed some immunity to the disease through contact with babies that had been immunised.

In 2000 and 2001, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Gabon carried out synchronised campaigns against the polio virus.

17 d’abr. 2010


Fa pocs dies erem a Madrid -un cop més- i vam poder gaudir d'un parell de nits "madrilenyes" realment interesants i agradables. Però arriba dilluns i tornes a la màgica i acollidora Barcelona. Tinc la immensa sort de poder contemplar aquesta gran ciutat des de la gran finestra del despatx, i la visió confirma dia rera dia la mateixa opinió: si has de treballar en una gran ciutat, Barcelona és la millor aposta.
Però un cop passat el dilluns, he tingut dos grans regals:

Gaudir d'uns paisatges del Lluçanès esplèndids i fantàstics: els que podem veure entre Gironella i Prats (malgrat les obres) i entre Prats i Navàs.

Gaudir d'un paisatge i uns dies de treball i convivència personal inoblidables al peu del Matagalls.

(treballar així és un altre regal)

1 de març 2010

Birmània Fam i Drets Humans - HUNGER AND HUMAN RIGHTS -

El Jordi Rius m'ha trucat (pel programa B de Blog de Ràdio Castellar). Això ha fet que em passés bona part del cap de setmana recordant i revisant els primers escrits d'aquest blog.
Resulta que ara fa just uns dos anys vaig afegir unes entrades que (com era de preveure) continuen estant totalment d'actualitat.
Algú recorda què va passar a Birmània?
Les paraules d'Isabel Clara Simó van ser d'una claredat i una intel.ligència ...

Avui, al cap de tant de temps convido als amics i amigues (i a tothom qui vulgui dedicar uns breus minuts) a rellegir les entrades del 18 i 23 d'abril, i les del 8 i 20 de maig (totes de l'any 2008 i que podreu trobar més avall).

Un cop tot llegit, i al davant d'un cafè, en tornem a parlar.

(If you want, you can read again the text on 18th and 23rd of april and the 8th and 20th of may -2008- See you next week)

27 de febr. 2010


A primera hora del matí als carrers hi ha una serenor i fins i tot un silenci que sorprèn a molts; aquesta és una de les màgies del Raval. Ja fa dies que en aquest silenci del matí es lleva un home que dorm en un matalàs al terra -a les portes de la llibreria universitària-
Uns dies enrera el matí era fred, molt fred. En el trajecte que faig des de la parada del tren fins la llibreria sempre presuposava que l’home del matalàs no podria haver dormit amb aquell fred intens. Doncs si. Un dia rera l’altre aquell home dormia i es despertava entre un matalàs vell i una manta bruta d’un color difícil de definir.
Aquesta setmana he tingut una sorpresa. L’home del fred ja s’havia llevat. Cantava i feia uns sorollosos badalls que sorprenien als primers vianants del matí. L’escena no tenia res a envejar a qualsevol dels grans anuncis de la televisió: un indigent mig despullat; un dia fred d’hivern; un carrer mullat del casc antic d’una gran ciutat … i el fons d’aquest escenari? la Universitat i un aparador molt gran de la llibreria universitària. Per últim: un dels llibres de la llibreria “Arquitectura i Paisatge: Barcelona”.
Ja fa dies que no veig Khalid.