28 de des. 2009
Christmas Child in China
Aquests dies hem tornat a parlar de Xina. A casa, la petita ens planteja temes que ens fan rumiar un cop i un altre. Sabem que tornarem a Xina i que aquest viatge tornarà a ser molt especial (però per això encara han de passar uns quants anys més).
Abans de visitar Chongqing haviem recollit molta informació sobre aquella província. Les imatges que anavem guardant semblaven d'una època diferent (carrers sense asfaltar, vestits de fa 200 o 300 anys, molta pobresa, ...); una vegada i una altra havies de contrastar que les fotografies realment corresponien al segle XXI.
Un cop vam ser allà, vam veure que la vida a ciutat era molt diferent que al camp. A les grans ciutats sol haver-hi un nucli central on veus edificis molt alts, cotxes que van molt depressa, botigues plenes de mil.lions d'articles i fins i tot gent amb vestits bastant occidentals. En aquestes ciutats també hi ha "els altres barris": estan formats per edificis antics (molts cops mig derruits), amb carrerons petits i sense asfaltar, amb la bicicleta com a vehicle de transport, amb molta gent al carrer, amb wc comunitaris (a les cases no n'hi ha), amb aigua corrent també comunitària (moltes cases encara no tenen aigua corrent), amb una vivenda que comparteixen dues o tres generacions (avis, pares i fills amb nets), ... I això al segle XXI, és a dir a les portes de les Olimpiades a Beijing.
I al camp? ... al camp vol dir -moltes vegades- viatjar 200 o 300 anys enrera en el temps.
Algunes ONG's col.laboren amb el govern xinès (sense la intervenció del govern és gariebé imposible fer res a Xina) per ajudar als nens i nenes d'algunes zones de l'interior d'aquest immens país. China Care International és una d'elles. Sense entrar en el fons d'alguns mètodes (ja veureu que tot trontolla una mica) s'ha de reconèixer que són dels pocs que intenten ajudar a un país que esta canviant cada minut que passa. Us passo un video de les festes de nadal de l'any passat. Sé que és molt llarg (em sembla que uns 10 min), però us podeu saltar bona part de les imatges centrals. Fixeu-vos en les cares dels nens, de la disciplina xinesa (no obren les caixes fins que els autoritzen, i tot i així... ho fan a peu dret!), fixeu-vos en alguns carrers i cases, ... però també fixeu-vos que els nens de l'Àfrica, de Sudamèrica o de la Xina també saben riure de veritat (tot i que alguns els hi posen molt difícil).
19 de des. 2009
La primera vegada que em vaig fixar en Khalid va fer que em mirés el rellotge (eren les 7,45 del matí). Eren les primeres setmanes d'aquesta tardor i encara no havia arribat el fred. El carrer era moll com cada matí. Khalid seia en un pedrís al davant d'un portal del Raval. Als seus peus tenia una mena de motxilla de color gris que feia joc amb els colors de la samarreta i els pantalons.
Què feia un nen a aquelles hores del matí, i tot sol? Segur que ell tindria una resposta tranquila i natural: "espero que siguin les 9 per entrar al cole". Peró fins i tot per mi era massa d'hora. Aquell dia haviem quedat per anar a Lleida i abans de marxar havia de recollir una documentació que em vaig oblidar a la feina (ja explicaré la meva fascinació per la Catalunya "no barnametropolitana").
A l'andana de l'estació vaig veure poca gent (era més d'hora de l'habitual). El tren anava força buit i vaig poder seure i llegir des del primer moment. Els trens tenen una puntualitat excel.lent que no només agraeixo, sinó que vaig pregonant a amics i familiars sempre que puc (quan s'ho mereixen, s'han de reconèixer les qualitats d'alguns transports públics; en aquest cas els Catalans). Pel que fa a les sensacions, .... pel que fa a sensacions ho deixaré per demà o demà passat: us parlaré de ja fa uns quants anys: "Das Parfum, die Geschichte eines Mörders".
Pel que fa a l'article del dia, avui és del Times.
Després de la lectura no sé quina opinió tindreu, però pel que fa a mi no sabria dir si ha de ser als sis, set o deu anys, però el que cal mantenir és aquella il.lusió que podem veure als ulls dels nostres fills i filles quan passa el rei blanc, el rei ros i el rei negre.
Que per molts anys poguem continuar mantenint aquesta il.lusió.
December 18, 2009
When do children work out that there's no Father Christmas? At age seven? Eight? Nine? Forty three? When they lay in the dark, eyes shut, pretending to be asleep and make the sobering discovery that "Santa" has exactly the same BO problem as Daddy?
Well, I fear it is younger than we think. Much younger. I have no hard evidence for this unhappy hunch - just the knowledge that four-year-olds now use the Internet more expertly than I do and that I know of a woman whose six year-old son recently claimed that he'd known Santa was a lie for OVER A YEAR. "It was your writing on all the gift labels", he shrugged as she clawed at her own face remembering that children should never ever be underestimated, particularly where presents are concerned. But his key line was yet to come. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be sad," he said, tenderly.
Oh God. Here's a weird and unnatural thought. What if children suss out the truth years before we think they do but play along so as to spare our feelings? So it's not us humouring them but them humouring us?
You can picture a group of six-year-olds sitting around a table in Costa Coffee. "Aah, my mum is SO cute. She gets all excited buying that sparkly reindeer food which I have to scatter in the garden when I'd really rather be inside watching Handy Manny. But it's nice to see their little faces, isn't it?"
Another will suck on his skinny latte and reply. "My Dad's adorable too. He actually leaves some soot around the fireplace so it looks like Santa has come down the chimney. Ha, ha. But what am I - stupid? We've got a chuffing gas fire. Still we should enjoy it while we can. They grow out of it so fast, don't they." The more I think about it, the more plausible it seems. Think how many times kids ask how it is physically possible for one man to visit every kid in the world in one night. Maybe they enjoy watching us squirm as we mutter ludicrous Paul Danielish things such as "Hey, that's magic!" and "Doh - because the reindeer are supersonic, obviously."
I now remember a moment last Christmas Day when I was clearing up the discarded wrapping paper and noticed my daughter, then four, eyeing me beadily. "Mummy, Father Christmas uses exactly the same wrapping paper as you got from Asda," she said.
Was she testing me? Was she suspicious? When she was making her Christmas list and I remarked that one thing she'd chosen "cost too much money", she looked at me suspiciously. "But you're not buying it, are you?", she said. "And you said the elves make all the toys with their bare hands." (Sadly I did)
I quickly backtracked and told her that every parent must send a cheque by Santa post, but I could swear she looked at me as one might look at a compulsive liar who claims to be carrying Elvis's love-child.Of course children have a vested interest in keeping schtum. We tell them that if they don't believe no presents will materialise, which is kind of a lite version of telling adults that if they don't believe in God they'll be chucked down to Hell. Maybe that's why so many people claim to be agnostic - refusing to say outright that they don't believe and hedging their bets just in case. They got their training from Christmases past.
There are ways to ensure that your kids keep believing for as long as possible, which of course we all want deep down because it's another way of preserving their innocence. Besides psychiatrists have said the Father Christmas myth is good for children's moral development and gives parents an "ace up their sleeve". After all, as they say Santa's making a list, he's checking it twice, he wants to find out who's naughty or nice.
But if they do find you out don't be too depressed. One children's psychiatrist Dr Lynda Breen has said that children are actually very positive when they discover the truth. "It is actually parents who mourn the loss", she said.
She's right, of course. Which is why we'll all be creeping about on the landing and taking bites out of raw carrots to make it appear that Rudolph's been.
Christmas. A time for grown-ups to relive their childhoods.
Well, I fear it is younger than we think. Much younger. I have no hard evidence for this unhappy hunch - just the knowledge that four-year-olds now use the Internet more expertly than I do and that I know of a woman whose six year-old son recently claimed that he'd known Santa was a lie for OVER A YEAR. "It was your writing on all the gift labels", he shrugged as she clawed at her own face remembering that children should never ever be underestimated, particularly where presents are concerned. But his key line was yet to come. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be sad," he said, tenderly.
Oh God. Here's a weird and unnatural thought. What if children suss out the truth years before we think they do but play along so as to spare our feelings? So it's not us humouring them but them humouring us?
You can picture a group of six-year-olds sitting around a table in Costa Coffee. "Aah, my mum is SO cute. She gets all excited buying that sparkly reindeer food which I have to scatter in the garden when I'd really rather be inside watching Handy Manny. But it's nice to see their little faces, isn't it?"
Another will suck on his skinny latte and reply. "My Dad's adorable too. He actually leaves some soot around the fireplace so it looks like Santa has come down the chimney. Ha, ha. But what am I - stupid? We've got a chuffing gas fire. Still we should enjoy it while we can. They grow out of it so fast, don't they." The more I think about it, the more plausible it seems. Think how many times kids ask how it is physically possible for one man to visit every kid in the world in one night. Maybe they enjoy watching us squirm as we mutter ludicrous Paul Danielish things such as "Hey, that's magic!" and "Doh - because the reindeer are supersonic, obviously."
I now remember a moment last Christmas Day when I was clearing up the discarded wrapping paper and noticed my daughter, then four, eyeing me beadily. "Mummy, Father Christmas uses exactly the same wrapping paper as you got from Asda," she said.
Was she testing me? Was she suspicious? When she was making her Christmas list and I remarked that one thing she'd chosen "cost too much money", she looked at me suspiciously. "But you're not buying it, are you?", she said. "And you said the elves make all the toys with their bare hands." (Sadly I did)
I quickly backtracked and told her that every parent must send a cheque by Santa post, but I could swear she looked at me as one might look at a compulsive liar who claims to be carrying Elvis's love-child.Of course children have a vested interest in keeping schtum. We tell them that if they don't believe no presents will materialise, which is kind of a lite version of telling adults that if they don't believe in God they'll be chucked down to Hell. Maybe that's why so many people claim to be agnostic - refusing to say outright that they don't believe and hedging their bets just in case. They got their training from Christmases past.
There are ways to ensure that your kids keep believing for as long as possible, which of course we all want deep down because it's another way of preserving their innocence. Besides psychiatrists have said the Father Christmas myth is good for children's moral development and gives parents an "ace up their sleeve". After all, as they say Santa's making a list, he's checking it twice, he wants to find out who's naughty or nice.
But if they do find you out don't be too depressed. One children's psychiatrist Dr Lynda Breen has said that children are actually very positive when they discover the truth. "It is actually parents who mourn the loss", she said.
She's right, of course. Which is why we'll all be creeping about on the landing and taking bites out of raw carrots to make it appear that Rudolph's been.
Christmas. A time for grown-ups to relive their childhoods.
25 de juny 2009
Tractaments per a tots i totes. A new cancer drug.
Tot i que la feina a Barna m'absorveix (i m'apassiona!) avui dia de Sant Joan (i encara que sigui molt tard) he decidit actualitzar el bloc amb una d'aquelles notícies que m'agrada incorporar.
La meva relació amb ong's i amb persones que la seva tasca diària és ajudar als més desprotegits, no treu que m'oblidi d'un tema que ens ha tocat molt de prop a moltissima gent: el càncer.
Poques vegades em manifesto obertament sobre política, però quan tothom s'omple la boca de la ja desgastadíssima expressió "apostem per les polítiques socials" recordo quina opinió en tenen al respecte molts amics responsables de casals i ong's de barna; recordo quina opinió tenen amics i familiars que han estat ajudant molt directament en paissos d'Àfrica i Sudamèrica i també recordo a malalts i els seus familiars comparant els seus tractaments mèdics i la diferència amb els de rics i famosos. Tot i que reconec que el nostre sistema de salut pública està molt per sobre que el de la mitjana de paissos desenvolupats, també crec que encara hi manquen molts més esforços i recursos per tal que qualsevol persona (sigui pobre o rica) tingui els mateixos drets a l'hora de curar-se (elecció de centre, elecció d'especialista, temps d'espera, .... i sobre tot excel.lència en el tracte).
Sempre m'he preguntat que volen dir els nostres representants políticsquan parlen de "apostar per les polítiques socials". Què volen dir els d'esquerra? I els ecologistes? I els conservadors? I els nacionalistes? Però si resulta que els d'extrema dreta francesa parlen de potenciar les polítiques socials!!! (això si! deu ser un cop hagin fet neteja de tots i totes els qui no els agradem)
Insisteixo. La meva pregunta és: apostar per les polítiques socials vol dir apostar per garantir una vivenda? per garantir un treball? per garantir una atenció mèdica? per garantir una educació? per garantir el menjar? ...
Però avui no passo una notícia de la gent que passa fam, ni de la gent que no té un sostre, avui passo una notícia esperançadora sobre el tractament del càncer, que ha publicat fa poques hores la BBC. Us la passo (i confiem que aquests tractaments tinguin èxit i que arribin a tots els malalts)
New cancer drug 'shows promise'
The treatment was tested on breast cancer patients
Researchers say a new type of cancer treatment has produced highly promising results in preliminary drug trials.
Olaparib was given to 19 patients with inherited forms of advanced breast, ovarian and prostate cancers caused by mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
In 12 of the patients - none of whom had responded to other therapies - tumours shrank or stabilised.
The study, led by the Institute of Cancer Research, features in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Julian Lewis, 62, was treated with olaparib after being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.
Within a month or two levels of a key chemical marker of cancer went down to a low level, and have now stayed low for more than two years.
In addition, secondary tumours in his bones have almost disappeared.
He has experienced minor side-effects, such as stomach discomfort and mild nausea, but he said: "I hope to carry on with this for as long as possible.
Partly the aim is the obvious one of keeping my cancer cells in check, but there's a broader goal too: to help find out how long this drug can be used safely in other people."
Julian Lewis, 62, was treated with olaparib after being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.
Within a month or two levels of a key chemical marker of cancer went down to a low level, and have now stayed low for more than two years.
In addition, secondary tumours in his bones have almost disappeared.
He has experienced minor side-effects, such as stomach discomfort and mild nausea, but he said: "I hope to carry on with this for as long as possible.
Partly the aim is the obvious one of keeping my cancer cells in check, but there's a broader goal too: to help find out how long this drug can be used safely in other people."
One of the first patients to be given the treatment is still in remission after two years.
Olaparib - a member of a new class of drug called PARP inhibitors - targets cancer cells, but leaves healthy cells relatively unscathed.
The researchers, working with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, found that patients experienced very few side-effects, and some reported the treatment was "much easier than chemotherapy".
Researcher Dr Johann de Bono said the drug should now be tested in larger trials.
He said: "This drug showed very impressive results in shrinking patients' tumours.
"It's giving patients who have already tried many conventional treatments long periods of remission, free from the symptoms of cancer or major side-effects."
Olaparib is the first successful example of a new type of personalised medicine using a technique called "synthetic lethality" - a subtle way of exploiting the body's own molecular weaknesses for positive effect.
In this case the drug takes advantage of the fact that while normal cells have several different ways of repairing damage to their DNA, one of these pathways is disabled by the BRCA mutations in tumour cells.
Olaparib blocks one of the repair pathways by shutting down a key enzyme called PARP.
This does not affect normal cells because they can call on an alternative repair mechanism, controlled by their healthy BRCA genes.
But in tumours cells, where the BRCA pathway is disabled by genetic mutation, there is no alternative repair mechanism, and the cells die.
Cancer cells with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations are the first to be shown to be sensitive to PARP inhibitors.
But there is evidence that olaparib will also be effective in other cancers with different defects in the repair of DNA.
Professor Stan Kaye, who also worked on the study, said: "The next step is to test this drug on other more common types of ovarian and breast cancers where we hope it will be just as effective."
The researchers say the process of drug evaluation and registration may have to be revamped to take consideration of the fact that new generation cancer drugs target specific molecular defects, rather than types of cancer.
Dr Peter Sneddon, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said: "It is very encouraging to see the development of 'personalised treatment', tailored to the requirements of the individual patient, becoming a reality as it offers the opportunity to design new drugs that are truly selective.
"Although development of this drug is in its early stages, it is very exciting to see that it has the potential to work when other treatment options have failed."
9 de juny 2009
Pobresa i grandesa
Com els veritables amics saben, molts vincles, moltes amistats i molts anys de relacions amb ong's m'han portat a una veritable obsessió per la defensa dels més indefensos.
Doncs bé, la setmana passada es presentava el Pla d'Acció contra la pobresa, de l'Ajuntamet de Barcelona. Us passo l'adreça on podreu trobar el document base en format pdf:
Moltes vegades els projectes i els plans es queden a mig camí; pel bé de moltes persones esperem que no sigui així amb aquest pla.
Per cert, quants minuts diaris dediquen els informatius de TOTES les cadenes de televisió a informacions sobre la lluita contra la pobresa? Quants minuts diaris dediquen a donar suport al treball diari de les veritables ong's? Perquè s'obliden tant rapidament de situacions dràmatiques a les que han donat un titular el dia anterior? Què ens han dit sobre uns projectes importantisims sobre la integració d'infants discapacitats a Mèxic? Quina informació han donat sobre els 400.000 desplaçats del Paquistan? Quans informatius o reportatges especials han dedicat a parlar de l'increment dels indigents als carrers, sotaponts i places de Barcelona?
Aquests dies on personalment he rebut inputs molt gratificants de molts amics i amigues, de molts companys, de professionals, de representants d'ong's o d'alts càrrecs de la Gene i la Dipu.... haig de reconèixer, però, que les paraules que m'han fet arribar algunes persones des de la pobresa i la humilitat han estat molt especials (ja sabeu que ho tinc tot molt ben guardat, i que algun dia no molt llunyà ho compartiré amb tothom).
2 de juny 2009
Tiananmen square, the scene of pro-democracy protests 20 years ago
Aquests dies són estranys, molt estranys. Després d'un bon grapat d'anys on el treball es feia vivint i sentint molt de prop, ara toca canvi i tornar a conviure amb nous projectes, nous companys, nous territoris, nous objectius, ... però això si: amb una renovada il.lusió i amb el ple convenciment que aposto per un gran projecte de futur. Malgrat a alguns amics encara els "amago" la meva veu blocaire, .... pels que ja l'he descobert: MOLTES GRÀCIES pel munt de sms, mails, trucades, tertúlies, sopars, dinars, ... on aquests dies m'heu transmès tants desitjos de sort.
Tots sabeu que en aquest bloc no acostumo a escriure el que ara estic escrivint. Però no em podia estar de fer-ho. MOLTES GRÀCIES.
I com no podria ser d'una altra manera deixeu-me, un cop més, que torni a les meves debilitats i que us passi una notícia de la BBC sobre Xina.
Quan vam ser a Beijing -fa quatre anys- vaig trepitjar la Plaça de Tiananmen diverses vegades. Us puc assegurar que totes elles vaig pensar en els aconteixements que ara fa just vint anys van succeir. La plaça és immensa i no tens la sensació que estiguis vigilat ni controlat, però també t'adones rapidament que apareixen militars quan menys t'ho esperes; fins i tot fileres i fileres de militars que de tant en tant desfilen fent pràctiques.
Em sembla que un dia us vaig explicar l'angoixa que vam sentir un dia al vespre-nit quan vam decidir anar a veure la "baixada de bandera" d'aquesta plaça. Vam decidir anar sols, i el fet que no veiessim turistes i que els xinessos de torn (n'hi havia molts, com sempre!) ens envoltessin i ens comencessin a mirar, acostar, i fins i tot tocar, no va ser del tot agradable. Però al cap de pocs minuts, van aparéixer uns militars, que es van posar darrera nostra i la cosa es va calmar. La gent sap molt bé quin és el poder de l'estament militar, i totes les persones que ens envoltaven es van separar (separar-se volia dir quedar-se a 1 cm de tú). També em sembla que alguna vegada he comentat la fascinació que sentien tots i totes les xineses per la nostra filla gran. Tenien devoció pels seus ulls i el seu cabell, i no paraven de tocar-la i mirar-la. A la que no t'adonaves ja tenies dues dones xineses demanant-nos si es podien fer una foto al costat d'ella. Talment semblava la Júlia Roberts quan era a l'apartament de Notting Hill "acosada" per periodistes.
Però tornem a la plaça. Fa 20 anys d'uns aconteixements que van donar la volta al món i que crec que van servir per iniciar alguns canvis en aquell fabulós i sensacional país. Us passo l'article que m'ha fet reflexionar avui, i una vegada més haig de dir que Xina és la seva gent i no el seu règim polític, i que aquella fabulosa gent mereix ser feliç.
The former leader of Hong Kong's Catholic Church has urged China to reassess its verdict on the 1989 Tiananmen killings.
Cardinal Joseph Zen said he wanted an official inquiry into what happened so future generations could tell the difference between right and wrong.
Hong Kong, a former British colony, is the only place under Chinese rule where memorials to the massacre are held.
The Cardinal, retired from his Hong Kong role, is an adviser to the Pope.
In a talk at Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club, the cardinal said he wanted to see an official re-examination of the bloody crackdown of 20 years ago this week.
"I hope they really consider seriously the possibility of a reassessment of the verdict," Mr Zen said.
"It will not damage anyone, but would be to the advantage of the whole nation," he said.
China's official line on the Tiananmen massacre, in which hundreds, possibly thousands, of demonstrators and civilians were killed, is that the protests threatened Communist Party rule and had to be quelled.
Asked by AFP news agency when or if he thought the Chinese government would soften its stance, Mr Zen said: "Things in China are unpredictable. It may happen tomorrow or still take 20 years."
Hong Kong's role
Many at Sunday's protest wore black and white, to symbolise mourning
A strong advocate of democracy, Cardinal Zen usually opens the 4 June candlelight vigil in Hong Kong, held every year to mark the massacre.
This year he will be in Rome, but held a special mass for victims last Friday.
Organisers are expecting a strong turnout this year, in part because of comments made by Hong Kong's chief executive, Donald Tsang, which appeared to airbrush history.
Claiming to speak for all Hong Kong people, Mr Tsang said China's economic development should be taken into account when assessing the events of 20 years ago.
The outspoken pro-democracy figure Leung Kwok-hung, known as Longhair, believes Mr Tsang's comments will bring more people to the vigil.
Thousands of people joined a march in Hong Kong on Sunday to mark the forthcoming anniversary of the Tiananmen killings, in one of the few such events on Chinese soil.
13 d’abr. 2009
Why kids should be learning about kings and queens?
Poques vegades incorporo notícies com aquesta al bloc. Però avui he trobat un article al “The Times” que m’ha fet rumiar.
Més d’una vegada hem comentat amb els amics si cal mantenir segons quins continguts i matèries al estudis dels nostres fills i filles.
L’article que avui us passo parla d’això. Cal estudiar la història d’antics reis i reines? O bé el que cal de veritat és estudiar la veritable reina del segle XXI: les noves tecnologies.
Al darrer paràgraf de l’article l’autor exposa la seva veritable opinió sobre el tema. Pel que fa a la meva:
Quan fa uns anys erem a Xina, vam veure sortir uns nens d’una escola de Beijing. Era dissabte, però això era una situació totalment quotidiana. Al cap d’uns dies vaig anar a veure personalment una escola. Crec que a pocs llocs del món conviuen la història i la modernitat com a aquest país asiàtic. I, … com ja saben els amics, jo sóc un admirador i un enamorat de Xina.
(per cert, la foto de capçalera és de Kangxi un dels emperadors xinesos que va ser realment respectat i admirat pel poble)
Més d’una vegada hem comentat amb els amics si cal mantenir segons quins continguts i matèries al estudis dels nostres fills i filles.
L’article que avui us passo parla d’això. Cal estudiar la història d’antics reis i reines? O bé el que cal de veritat és estudiar la veritable reina del segle XXI: les noves tecnologies.
Al darrer paràgraf de l’article l’autor exposa la seva veritable opinió sobre el tema. Pel que fa a la meva:
Quan fa uns anys erem a Xina, vam veure sortir uns nens d’una escola de Beijing. Era dissabte, però això era una situació totalment quotidiana. Al cap d’uns dies vaig anar a veure personalment una escola. Crec que a pocs llocs del món conviuen la història i la modernitat com a aquest país asiàtic. I, … com ja saben els amics, jo sóc un admirador i un enamorat de Xina.
(per cert, la foto de capçalera és de Kangxi un dels emperadors xinesos que va ser realment respectat i admirat pel poble)
History or Twitter? Wiki or Wars of the Roses? Over the last few weeks the options offered to generations of future school children studying history have sounded ridiculous: a choice between looking backwards or forwards.
But the truth of course, is never as exciting as all that. "It is important for me to set the record straight," Ed Balls said this week. There would be no “either/or choice between learning history and learning information technology”. But the Schools Secretary added that that it was “absurd that children are stuck in a dark age of technology when they learn history.” The sooner children learnt computer skills, the better.
I have no problem with this. Creative ways of learning are always appealing – as long as they help make more of a subject. The problem is that the subject itself needs to be sufficiently interesting.
My seven-year-old daughter, born of a mother who studied, and loves, history, informed me that she found the subject “boring.” I was shocked, and very disappointed. Shocked that is until I took an interest in the history she had so far learnt at school. I may be paraphrasing - and I am in no way criticising her teachers - but history for her has so far consisted of learning about furniture and toys in the Victorian era, and Florence Nightingale. Neither really grabbed her: she felt they had no relevance to her life, nor were they exciting enough to make a damn good story.
So, one evening while she was in her bath, then while she got ready for bed, and for around an hour after that, I told my daughter about the Tudors, from Henry VII to Elizabeth I and added in James I for good measure. She was enthralled, and I think the reason is simple – children love the idea of Kings and Queens.
Why care about whether technology is used in lessons, if the lessons themselves aren’t appealing? Yes, kids love the internet – mine has set up her own website, and already uses it as an infinite encyclopaedia – but they also love to hear about things exciting, about kings who cut off their wives heads, about a Spanish fleet which tried to invade, about the fluke of a prince dying young, so his younger brother (whether the future Henry VIII or Charles I) acceded to the throne.
Kings and Queens were history, they were the people who made things happen, and their stories resonate for centuries (why else would David Starkey now be regaling us with more about Henry VIII?) When I told my daughter that the next story we would cover was about a king who got his head chopped off, she was desperate to hear about it NOW. She didn’t say that about Florence Nightingale.
Sir Jim Rose is currently finalising his recommendations for changes to the primary school curriculum in England. Yes, technology is important, but history is vital, for learning, for understanding and for fantastic, almost unbelievable, (but true) stories.
28 de març 2009
Les fotos del dia a dia
Divendres vaig ser al Congrés del Tercer Sector. Suposo que molts amics i amigues ja sabeu que el president Montilla ens va venir a veure. El que potser no sabeu és que vam poder parlar personalment amb en Puigcercós, el Mas, la Dolors Camats, el Carles Campuzano, el Jordi Miralles, ...
Però afortunadament aquests polítics no van ser els protagonistes; un mil.ler de persones vinculades a entitats del tercers sector si que ho eren.
Em van demanar ser ponent a una de les taules, on vam coincidir amb gent d'ECOM i d'ECAS. I aquests són els protagonistes.
La crisis va estar present en moltes de les converses i taules tècniques. A l'hora del dinar vaig poder seure al costat d'un alt càrrec del departament. Va reconèixer que les administracions públiques estaven obligades a ajudar més que mai. La Llei de la Dependència, la Llei de Serveis Socials i el posterior Decret de la Cartera de Serveis Socials no es poden quedar en paper mullat.
També va reconèixer que algunes actuacions molt concretes -de les darreres setmanes- del departament havien fet molt mal al nostre sector. Esperem que aquest reconeixement suposi actuacions ben diferents pel futur.
Però el que vull remarcar, com sempre, és el COMPROMÍS, l'ESFORÇ, la QUALITAT, la PROFESSIONALITAT de tantes i tantes entitats que treballem en el tercer sector (en l'àmbit dels discapacitats, la infància, drogodependència, gent gran, ...). A ningú se li escapa que Catalunya té una tradició associacionista molt per sobre que a la majoria dels altres territoris de l'estat i que, malgrat això, el suport econòmic de les nostres administracions no estan al mateix nivell que a la resta de comunitats (només cal que algú es passi una estona mirant el "debe" i l'"haver" de les subvencions amb càrrec a l'IRPF).
Per acabar, mai m'ha agradat la sol.lució fàcil de la "foto de torn" que van treure alguns medis de comunicació escrits (d'àmbit nacional i estatal). Us la podeu imaginar: el president Montilla parlant amb una persona que es desplaça amb cadira de rodes. Ja vaig dir a algun fotògraf durant el congrés que ens calien moltes "fotos de veritat" durant tot l'any i no només el dia que ens venien a veure els polítics.... hi va estar d'acord!
5 de març 2009
Times i el Guernica
La feina i uns quants projectes que algun dia potser explicaré fan que no tingui temps d'actualitzar el bloc, M'estic adonant que les darreres entrades tenen una freqüència gairebé mensual.
Però aquesta nit he tingut una estona per gaudir dels diaris d'altres paissos i he tingut una sorpresa: a la portada d'avui del TimesOnline hi ha un article sobre les bombes que van caure a Guernica, de com Picasso va crear la seva obra i de com Franco va intentar amagar la veritat.
Feia uns dies que volia comentar i penjar unes notícies recents de la BBC sobre Darfur, però ho deixaré per un dia que estigui prou inspirat per recordar a tothom el que ha passat i està passant a la zona de Darfur (del que ja he parlat moltes vegades en aquest bloc).
Per cert, alguns amics em tornen a demanar perquè no parlo de notícies molt més properes (el nostre país o el nostre municipi). Els amics saben el motiu i potser algun dia també ho explicarem a tothom.
Però recuperem l'article sobre Guernica, que realment m'ha encantat trobar i llegir al Times.
Revealed: Franco's desperate attempt to hide the truth about Guernica
Reports by Times journalist George Steer outraged the world and inspired Picasso's Guernica
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Reports by Times journalist George Steer outraged the world and inspired Picasso's Guernica
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-->Graham Keeley, Madrid
General Franco launched a propaganda campaign to try to counter a report by The Times that exposed the attack on Guernica during the Spanish Civil War, according to original documents.
George Steer, who was covering the war for the newspaper, revealed how the Nazi Luftwaffe Condor squadron reduced the Basque market town to rubble and unleashed a firestorm that killed 1,600 unarmed civilians.
Mr Steer’s report outraged the world and inspired Picasso’s masterpiece Guernica.
Thousands of original telegrams sent by General Franco to the Duke of Alba, the Nationalist Ambassador in London, are to go on show to the public at a new archive in Spain shortly.
They reveal the four-year campaign, waged by the man who was to rule Spain for 36 years, to counter damaging reports in the British Press and prevent their readers from supporting the Spanish Republican Government.
Three days after the devastating attack on Guernica, on April 26, 1937, Franco sent a telegram from his military headquarters in Burgos, northern Spain.
It read: “Escaping Basques recount frightening tragedies of a town like Guernica, burnt and destroyed intentionally by the Reds when our troops were only 15 kilometres away. Indignation great among Nationalist troops for slanderous Red manoeuvres, after destroying their best cities, try to lay blame Nationalist air force when this only pursues military objectives.”
But Mr Steer had already revealed the truth.
He was covering the Spanish Civil War from the Republican side and was one of the first journalists to reach Guernica, hours after the massacre. He waited before filing his report to find proof that the Nazis were responsible: three small bomb cases stamped with the German Imperial Eagle.
At this point, Nazi Germany had signed the Non-Intervention Pact and their troops were officially playing no role in the war.
Mr Steer’s report read: “Guernica was not a military objective … the object of the bombardment was seemingly the demoralisation of the civil population and the destruction of the cradle of the Basque race.”
The report appeared in The Times, was syndicated to The New York Times and went around the world.
When Picasso, who was in exile in Paris, read it, he was outraged and changed a canvas that he was preparing for an exhibition. The result was Guernica, a stark black-and-white canvas, that has come to symbolise the horror of war.
As Franco’s Nationalists faced international condemnation for the attack on defenceless civilians, which was to herald the era of total war, he sent another telegram to London.
Dated May 3, 1937, it criticised lack of coverage of the “murder of thousands of innocents in Madrid under the Presidency of the Red Government”. The telegram claimed that these “murders” were the “deliberate work of Red dinamiters [sic]”.
The efforts of Franco to counter bad publicity in the international Press extended from 1936 to 1940, even after he had crushed the Republican forces in 1939.
In thousands of telegrams, Franco’s propaganda machine sought to remind the world of the outrages it claims the Republican side committed.
They include the alleged murder of “17,000 priests”, the “theft of gold from the Bank of Spain” to Russia and the “barbarity” of the Republican militias.
In reality, though hundreds of priests were killed in the Civil War, the figure of “17,000” appears wildly exaggerated. The Republican Government did send the Soviet Union gold worth $500 million to pay for arms and support.
The documents were carefully preserved by the Duke of Alba and later stored in the Institute Cervantes in London.
Under an initiative to preserve documents relating to the Civil War and the dictatorship, they were transferred to the Historical Memory Documentation Centre in Salamanca in western Spain.
In 2006, Mr Steer was honoured with a street named after him and a bronze bust in Guernica after a 25-year campaign.
Thousands of original telegrams sent by General Franco to the Duke of Alba, the Nationalist Ambassador in London, are to go on show to the public at a new archive in Spain shortly.
They reveal the four-year campaign, waged by the man who was to rule Spain for 36 years, to counter damaging reports in the British Press and prevent their readers from supporting the Spanish Republican Government.
Three days after the devastating attack on Guernica, on April 26, 1937, Franco sent a telegram from his military headquarters in Burgos, northern Spain.
It read: “Escaping Basques recount frightening tragedies of a town like Guernica, burnt and destroyed intentionally by the Reds when our troops were only 15 kilometres away. Indignation great among Nationalist troops for slanderous Red manoeuvres, after destroying their best cities, try to lay blame Nationalist air force when this only pursues military objectives.”
But Mr Steer had already revealed the truth.
He was covering the Spanish Civil War from the Republican side and was one of the first journalists to reach Guernica, hours after the massacre. He waited before filing his report to find proof that the Nazis were responsible: three small bomb cases stamped with the German Imperial Eagle.
At this point, Nazi Germany had signed the Non-Intervention Pact and their troops were officially playing no role in the war.
Mr Steer’s report read: “Guernica was not a military objective … the object of the bombardment was seemingly the demoralisation of the civil population and the destruction of the cradle of the Basque race.”
The report appeared in The Times, was syndicated to The New York Times and went around the world.
When Picasso, who was in exile in Paris, read it, he was outraged and changed a canvas that he was preparing for an exhibition. The result was Guernica, a stark black-and-white canvas, that has come to symbolise the horror of war.
As Franco’s Nationalists faced international condemnation for the attack on defenceless civilians, which was to herald the era of total war, he sent another telegram to London.
Dated May 3, 1937, it criticised lack of coverage of the “murder of thousands of innocents in Madrid under the Presidency of the Red Government”. The telegram claimed that these “murders” were the “deliberate work of Red dinamiters [sic]”.
The efforts of Franco to counter bad publicity in the international Press extended from 1936 to 1940, even after he had crushed the Republican forces in 1939.
In thousands of telegrams, Franco’s propaganda machine sought to remind the world of the outrages it claims the Republican side committed.
They include the alleged murder of “17,000 priests”, the “theft of gold from the Bank of Spain” to Russia and the “barbarity” of the Republican militias.
In reality, though hundreds of priests were killed in the Civil War, the figure of “17,000” appears wildly exaggerated. The Republican Government did send the Soviet Union gold worth $500 million to pay for arms and support.
The documents were carefully preserved by the Duke of Alba and later stored in the Institute Cervantes in London.
Under an initiative to preserve documents relating to the Civil War and the dictatorship, they were transferred to the Historical Memory Documentation Centre in Salamanca in western Spain.
In 2006, Mr Steer was honoured with a street named after him and a bronze bust in Guernica after a 25-year campaign.
11 de febr. 2009
Autonomia i Bolivia (Santa Cruz i Chuquisaca)
Trobava a faltar la consulta de diaris sudamericans. En uns moments difícils i plens d'injustícies, he decidit que aquesta nit la dedico a gaudir de diaris de Xile, Paraguay, Colombia i de Bolívia (d'on avui passo una notícia).
Mentres els d'un costat i l'altre continuen lloant a Obama (per cert: avui al Times apareixia una fotografia de Vogue amb l'esposa d'Obama a la portada; tot molt "vogue"), a Bolívia els ciutadans es queixen de la creació del Ministeri d'Autonomia, ja que això comportarà un centralisme excloent des del govern central. Us sona a alguna cosa?
Val la pena llegir una notícia boliviana sobre centralisme (com sempre dic: no té desperdici).
Ahir, uns quants representants d'ONG's i Fundacions catalanes vam ser amb Ismael Pitarch al Parlament. Va ser tot un honor poder escoltar de manera tant propera a una persona que crec que té molt clar quin ha de ser el paper dels ciutadans, i quin el dels representants polítics (tant de bò tothom ho tingués tant clar; inclosos els polítics bolivians).
Critican mayor centralismo en la autonomía
Henrry Ugarte A. henry@eldeber.com.boLos gobernadores y líderes cívicos de dos regiones critican la creación del Ministerio de Autonomías y califican su implementación, en el marco de la nueva Constitución Política del Estado (CPE), como el mayor intento centralista y excluyente por parte del Gobierno del MAS. Los gobernadores Rubén Costas (Santa Cruz) y Savina Cuéllar (Chuquisaca) rechazaron ayer la posibilidad de aceptar una convocatoria a diálogo de forma individual por parte del Gobierno, porque consideran que pretende posicionar al país con un modelo totalitario y excluyente. Mientras Costas argumenta que el ministro de Autonomías, Carlos Romero, sólo pretende mostrar ante la comunidad nacional e internacional una supuesta búsqueda de concertación que favorezca a todas las regiones, Cuéllar insiste en que la CPE es un engaño porque sirve sólo para la reelección del Presidente.
Entre tanto, el gobernador de Tarija, Mario Cossío, que ayer rindió su informe de gestión, convocó a las instituciones representativas a un encuentro departamental para la próxima semana, con el objetivo de debatir y definir dos temas centrales: si aceptan ir al diálogo con el Gobierno y si mantienen intacto sus estatutos frente a la propuesta de adaptarlos a la nueva CPE. El lunes pasado, luego de estrenarse como ministro de Autonomías, Carlos Romero anunció que en esta semana convocaría a prefectos y alcaldes para debatir y buscar consensos para implementar la nueva forma de administración pública.El anuncio de Romero fue acompañado por una conminatoria con tinte de advertencia: “La Constitución ya no es un hecho político, ahora es un hecho jurídico, y hay que cumplirlo, le guste o no a los actores regionales”, dijo. Para el presidente del Comité pro Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, que ayer retornó de una gira por las provincias, la implementación de las autonomías se torna complicado para las regiones porque les quita recursos, los burocratiza aún más y las regalías, que ya se repartían en las provincias, ahora tendrán que pasar por las manos del nuevo ministro. “Con este nivel de centralismo habrá dificultades para crear empleos y progresar”, alertó.
Según el vicepresidente de la Asamblea Legislativa departamental, Delmar Méndez, el peor error que cometerían los prefectos de las regiones que ganaron la autonomía a través del voto en las urnas sería asistir al diálogo, ‘porque no hay qué negociar con el Gobierno centralista’
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